Learn details of Naogaon Sadar Upazila
About the Sadar Upazila
Naogaon Sadar Upazila (Bangla: নওগাঁ সদর উপজেলা) is one of the 11 Upazilas of Naogaon District. It has an area of 275.73 square kilometers and the upazila falls within the Naogaon-5 constituency. To the north, it is bordered by Badalgachhi and Mahadevpur upazilas. On the southern side, it shares its border with another upazila, Raninagar. Additionally, Adamdighi (Bogura) and Akkelpur upazilas (Joypurhat) lie to the east. Lastly, Mahadevpur and Manda upazilas are situated to the west. The upazila headquarters is located on the banks of the Little Jamuna river. This upazila is home to two rivers: Little Jamuna and Tulsi Ganga. Naogaon town, which is the main town of the district. The total area of the town is 37.03 square kilometers. It is approximately 240 km away from the capital city, Dhaka, and about 80 km from the divisional city, Rajshahi.
Administrative and Geographical Units
Naogaon Sadar Upazila is structured with a blend of urban and rural administrative units. Here’s a breakdown of its administrative and geographical divisions:1
- Upazila Parishad (উপজেলা পরিষদ): 1
- Union Parishads (ইউনিয়ন): 12
- Municipality (পৌরসভা): 1
- Ward (ওয়ার্ড) within municipality: 9
- Mouza (মৌজা): 237
- Villages (গ্রাম): 215
See a full list of villages in Naogaon sadar upazila here.

Union Parishads
A list of Sadar upazila‘s 12 Union Parishads, along with their names in both English and Bengali, is presented here.
- Barshail (বর্ষাইল)
- Kirtipur (কীর্ত্তিপুর)
- Baktiarpur (বক্তারপুর)
- Tilakpur (তিলকপুর)
- Hapania (হাপানিয়া)
- Dubalhati (দুবলহাটী)
- Boalia (বোয়ালিয়া)
- Hashaigari (হাঁসাইগাড়ী)
- Chandipur (চন্ডিপুর)
- Balihar (বলিহার)
- Shikarpur (শিকারপুর)
- Shailgachhi (শৈলগাছী)
Public and Private Facilities in Naogaon Sadar Upazila
The number of both public and private service institutions-facilities in Sadar Upazila is mentioned here. The numbers presented below may differ from today’s figures, as they are based on the District Statistics 2011 – Naogaon.
Facility/Service | Number |
Filling Station | 9 |
Fire Station | 1 |
Police Station/Camp | 3 |
Union Land Office | 6 |
Sub-registry Office | 1 |
BOP (BGB Camp) | 1 |
Government Office | 66 |
Post Office | 16 |
Nationalized Bank Branch | 9 |
Private Bank Branch | 18 |
NGOs | 76 |
Dak-banglow/Rest House | 4 |
Daily Bazaar | 14 |
Weekly Hat | 19 |
Restaurant | 113 |
Hotel (residential) | 25 |

Historical Places in Sadar Upazila
- Dubalhati Rajbari
- Balihar Rajbari
- Kashimpur Rajbari
- Kumaigari Three Domed Mosque
- Balubhara Forehead2

Here is the population scenario of Naogaon Sadar Upazila, based on the 2011 National Census:
- Total population: 4,051,148 people
- Male: 2,045,505
- Female: 2,006,643
- Sex Ratio (M/F): 102
- Density of population: 1469 per sq. km.
- Population growth rate: 1.8%
- Total household: 100,867
- Average household size: 3.973
Population by Type of Disability
According to the 2022 National Census, here is data on disabled population in Sadar Upazila. In addition to this, it will show both male and female disabled populations with each type of disability.4
Type of Disability | Total Disabled | Disabled Male | Disabled Female |
Physical Disability | 3,471 | 2,180 | 1,291 |
Visual Disability | 1,290 | 644 | 646 |
Multiple Disabilities | 1,010 | 547 | 463 |
Mental Illness | 961 | 537 | 424 |
Speech Disability | 635 | 330 | 305 |
Intellectual Disability | 537 | 308 | 229 |
Hearing Disability | 443 | 216 | 227 |
Other Disability | 268 | 152 | 116 |
Autism | 235 | 142 | 93 |
Cerebral Palsy | 139 | 76 | 63 |
Down Syndrome | 68 | 32 | 36 |
Deaf Blindness | 55 | 22 | 33 |
Upazila Total | 9,112 | 5,186 | 3,926 |
The total disabled population in Naogaon Sadar is 9,112 individuals. Of this, 5,186 are male, and 3,926 are female. It shows male disabilities are higher than females.
Major Disabled Group: Among all, physical disabilities is a major cause of disability in the upazila. It has 3,471 affected individuals which contributes 38% of the total disabled population. Gender-wise the upazila found 2,180 males and 1,291 females with physical disabilities.
Widowed and Divorced/separated Population (2011 census)
- Male: 0.8 %
- Female: 10.1 %
- Male: 0.2 %
- Female: 1.2 %
Population by Religion
As per the 2022 national census,5 Sadar Upazila’s religious population distribution is as follows:
Religion | Population | Percentage (%) |
Muslim | 413,950 | 92.42% |
Hindu | 33,675 | 7.52% |
Christian | 222 | 0.05% |
Buddhist | 12 | 0.00% |
Others | 44 | 0.01% |
Upazila (total) | 447,903 | 100.00% |
In Naogaon Sadar Upazila, from the total population, Muslims are the major religious group which has 92.42% of population. Hindus are the second-largest community and it has 7.52%. Christians, Buddhists, and “Others” have very minor representation at 0.05%, 0.00%, and 0.01% respectively.

Educational Institutions in Sadar Upazila
Educational Institutions in Naogaon Sadar, excluding religious institutes (as per the 2011 census):6
- Government Colleges: 2
- Private Colleges: 5
- Women’s Colleges: 1
- Government Boys’ High Schools: 2
- Government Girls’ High Schools: 1
- Private High Schools: 52
- Secondary Schools: 6
- Government Primary Schools: 105
- Private Registered Schools: 25
- Polytechnic Institutes: 1
- Vocational Institutes: 1
- Textile Vocational Institutes: 1
- Multilingual Santali Academy: 1
- KG Schools: 15

Historical Literacy Rates From 1981 to 2022
Census Year | Literacy Rate (%) |
1981 | 28.0% |
1991 | 34.5% |
2001 | 48.2% |
2011 | 53.5% |
2022 | 75.36% |
As of the 2022 census,7 Naogaon Sadar Upazila’s current documented literacy rate is 75.36%. Historically, it was only 28.0% in 1981. It rose to 34.5% in 1991, 48.2% in 2001, and 53.5% in 2011. The most increase happened in the 2022 census, where the literacy rate reached 75.36%.
Rice Crops Production in 2009-10 and 2010-11
Like other upazilas of Naogaon, Sadar upazila also produces a lot of rice crops. The total rice crop production in this upazila was 105,609 metric ton in the last fiscal year 2009-10 and 108,382 metric ton in fiscal year 2010-11. However, a more detailed and category-based rice crop production is presented in this table below.8
Fiscal Year | Rice Crop Type | Production |
2009-2010 | Aus | 5,917 M. Ton |
Aman | 22,695 M. Ton | |
Boro | 76,997 M. Ton | |
2010-2011 | Aus | 8,872 M. Ton |
Aman | 22,251 M. Ton | |
Boro | 77,259 M. Ton |

Wheat, Jute and Sugarcane Production in 2009-10 and 2010-11
Rice crops are the main crop in Naogaon Sadar. Besides this, the upazila also produces a good amount of wheat, jute, and sugarcane. All over the upazila, it produced 3,135 metric tons of wheat, 3,399 metric tons of jute, and 916 metric tons of sugarcane in the two fiscal years of 2009-10 and 2010-11. During the fiscal years 2009-10 and 2010-11, a total cultivated area was 3,690 acres for wheat, 3,629 acres for jute, and 49 acres for sugarcane.9
However, in addition to the total production of both years, a year-based production of wheat, jute, and sugarcane is presented in this table.
Fiscal Year | Crop Type | Production |
2009-2010 | Wheat | 1,590 M. Ton |
Jute | 1,592 M. Ton | |
Sugarcane | 458 M. Ton | |
2010-2011 | Wheat | 1,545 M. Ton |
Jute | 1,807 M. Ton | |
Sugarcane | 458 M. Ton |
Daily Labour Average Wage Rate (2011)
Twelve years ago, the average daily wage for a construction mason was 300 taka, while a construction assistant/helper earned 180 taka in Naogaon Sadar Upazila.10 However, those rates are now a thing of the past. Today, it is not only impossible to find daily labores at these wages, but it’s also unfeasible for them to make a living with that money.
Type of Labour | Daily Average Wage |
Agriculture Labour | 230 taka |
Construction Mason | 300 taka |
Construction Helper | 180 taka |
Carpenter | 280 taka |
Painter | 280 taka |
Electrician | 250 taka |
Plumber | 270 taka |
NGOs Activities in Sadar Upazila
Important NGOs operating their activities in the upazila are Grameen Bank, Asa, Brac, Proshika, GUK, Caritas, TMSS, Buro Bangladesh, SKS Foundation, Dabi Moulik Unnayan Sangstha.

Religious Worship Facilities in The Sadar Upazila
The upazila is home to a variety of religious worshiping facilities that facilitate different religious communities. Here’s a breakdown of the number of religious worshiping facilities:

- Mosques (মসজিদ): 407
- Maktab (Religious schools) (মক্তব): 11
- Temples (মন্দির): 19
- Churches (গীর্জা): 1
- Eidgah (Open-air space for Eid prayers) (ঈদগাহ): 86

Religious Institutions in Naogaon Sadar
Sadar Upazila has many institutions that facilitate various levels of Islamic studies. Here’s the number of religious educational institutions:
- Senior Madrasa (সিনিয়র মাদরাসা): 4
- Kamil Madrasa (কামিল মাদরাসা) : 1
- Dakhil Madrasa (দাখিল মাদরাসা): 12
- Ibtedayi Madrasa (ইবতেদায়ী মাদরাসা): 19
References and Footnotes
- এক নজরে নওগাঁ উপজেলা ↩︎
- Banglapedia ↩︎
- District Statistics 2011 Naogaon ↩︎
- District Statistics 2011 Naogaon ↩︎
- Population and Housing Census 2022, District Report – Naogaon ↩︎
- Sadar Upazila – At a glance ↩︎
- Population and Housing Census 2022, District Report – Naogaon ↩︎
- District Statistics 2011 Naogaon ↩︎
- District Statistics 2011 Naogaon ↩︎
- District Statistics 2011 Naogaon ↩︎