Naogaon Pourashava (Bangla: নওগাঁ পৌরসভা), a category “A” municipality, serves the residents of Naogaon sadar town. The municipality was first started its journey in 1963. The Naogaon Pourashava is responsible for various urban services including sanitation, road maintenance, and public health initiatives.
Naogaon Pourashava at a glance
- Established: 07/12/1963
- Category (when started): ‘C’ (07/12/1963)
- Date of Promotion to “B” Grade: 01/05/1980
- Date of Promotion to 1st Grade = “A-2” in 13/05/1989
- Area: 37.03 km² (2011 census)
- Wards: 9
- Mahalla: 62
- Mouza: 237
- Population: 1,52,321
Male: 76,095
Female: 76,226 - Population Density: 6,104 people/sq km
- Total Holdings: 33,251 (2011 census)
- Total Households: 35,923 (2011 census)
- Education Rate: 62%
- Number of Voters: 91,613
Male: 45,500
Female: 46,113 - Number of Holdings (Residential and Office): 21,445
Government: 353
Private: 21,092 - Supermarkets: 110 (General Market)
- Shopping Centers: 3,258 (Shops)
- Municipality’s Own Haat (Permanent): 2
- Municipality Own Market (Permanent): 1
- Slaughterhouse (Temporary): 1
- Number of Owned Markets: 33
- Under Process: 11
- Number of Owned Shops: 838
- Number of Ghats: 5
- Number of Ponds: 3
- Bus Terminals: 2 (Baludanga Bus Terminal and Dhaka Bus Terminal)
- Truck Terminal: 1
- Town Hall: 1
- Fish Farm: 1
- Kindergarten Schools: 10
- Government Primary Schools: 30
- High Schools: 12
- Girls’ Schools: 5
- Madrasas: 24
- Colleges: 3
- Women’s College: 1
- Polytechnic Institute: 1
- Vocational Institute: 1
- PTI: 1
- Libraries: 3
- Mosques: 105
- Temples: 34
- Church: 1
- Orphanage: 07 (2011 census)
Capacity: 124 - Medium Industries: 3
- Small Industries: 219
- Stadium: 1
- Tennis Ground: 1
- Cinema Hall: 1
- Grave sites: 3
- Cremation Ghat: 1
- Fire Service Unit: 1
Person Employed: 24 - Website:
Ward-wise Population in Naogaon Pourashava
Ward No. | Total Population | Male Population | Female Population |
Ward No. 01 | 24,244 | 12,675 | 11,569 |
Ward No. 02 | 19,283 | 9,544 | 9,739 |
Ward No. 03 | 14,181 | 6,911 | 7,270 |
Ward No. 04 | 18,975 | 9,298 | 9,677 |
Ward No. 05 | 14,123 | 7,435 | 6,688 |
Ward No. 06 | 14,144 | 6,827 | 7,317 |
Ward No. 07 | 16,281 | 8,096 | 8,185 |
Ward No. 08 | 14,581 | 7,193 | 7,388 |
Ward No. 09 | 16,509 | 8,116 | 8,393 |
Total in Municipality | 1,52,321 | 76,095 | 76,226 |
According to the 2022 census, Naogaon Pourashava has a total population of 152,321, with 76,095 males and 76,226 females.1 Within the Pourashava Ward No. 01 has the highest population of 24,244, while Ward No. 05 has the lowest, with 14,123 residents.
Ward-wise Literacy Rate
Ward No. | Total Literacy (%) | Male Literacy (%) | Female Literacy (%) |
Ward No. 01 | 89.14 | 90.38 | 87.78 |
Ward No. 02 | 85.41 | 87.92 | 82.93 |
Ward No. 03 | 83.68 | 85.67 | 81.77 |
Ward No. 04 | 80.58 | 83.47 | 77.78 |
Ward No. 05 | 89.19 | 92.28 | 85.71 |
Ward No. 06 | 72.75 | 73.31 | 72.22 |
Ward No. 07 | 85.00 | 87.10 | 82.91 |
Ward No. 08 | 79.15 | 81.35 | 77.00 |
Ward No. 09 | 80.00 | 81.28 | 78.77 |
Pourashava (Total) | 83.18 | 85.28 | 81.07 |
As per the 2022 census, Naogaon Paurashava’s literacy rate is 83.18%. Gender-wise male literacy rate is 85.28%, while the female literacy rate is 81.07%. Ward No. 01 has the highest literacy rate at 89.14%, with 90.38% for males and 87.78% for females. On the other hand, Ward No. 06 has the lowest literacy rate at 72.75%, with 73.31% for males and 72.22% for females.
Ward-wise Population by Religion
Paurashava / Ward | Muslim | Hindu | Christian | Buddhist | Others |
Ward No. 01 | 26,203 | 1,432 | 66 | 0 | 4 |
Ward No. 02 | 22,197 | 597 | 15 | 0 | 0 |
Ward No. 03 | 14,816 | 1,764 | 8 | 0 | 0 |
Ward No. 04 | 20,502 | 1,884 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Ward No. 05 | 9,447 | 6,852 | 7 | 2 | 1 |
Ward No. 06 | 16,308 | 554 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Ward No. 07 | 18,002 | 1,195 | 6 | 2 | 0 |
Ward No. 08 | 12,994 | 4,136 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Ward No. 09 | 19,101 | 435 | 100 | 1 | 0 |
Naogaon Paurashava (Total) | 159,570 | 18,849 | 205 | 5 | 6 |
Divorced Population in Naogaon Pourashava
Ward | Total Divorced Population | Male | Female |
Ward No. 01 | 24,244 | 12,675 | 11,569 |
Ward No. 02 | 19,283 | 9,544 | 9,739 |
Ward No. 03 | 14,181 | 6,911 | 7,270 |
Ward No. 04 | 18,975 | 9,298 | 9,677 |
Ward No. 05 | 14,123 | 7,435 | 6,688 |
Ward No. 06 | 14,144 | 6,827 | 7,317 |
Ward No. 07 | 16,281 | 8,096 | 8,185 |
Ward No. 08 | 14,581 | 7,193 | 7,388 |
Ward No. 09 | 16,509 | 8,116 | 8,393 |
Naogaon Municipality | 152,321 | 76,095 | 76,226 |
As of the 2022 census (see footnote), Ward No. 01 of Naogaon Pourashava has 24,244 divorced individuals, which is highest among the municipality’s nine wards. On the other hand, Ward No. 03 has 14,181 divorced people, which is the lowest.
Ward-wise Electrification & Source of Electricity
Ward | Total Electrification (%) | National Grid Source (%) | Solar Power Source (%) | Other Source (%) | No Electricity (%) |
Ward No. 01 | 99.88 | 99.81 | 0.06 | 0.00 | 0.12 |
Ward No. 02 | 99.79 | 99.77 | 0.02 | 0.00 | 0.21 |
Ward No. 03 | 99.64 | 99.60 | 0.04 | 0.00 | 0.36 |
Ward No. 04 | 99.35 | 99.27 | 0.08 | 0.00 | 0.65 |
Ward No. 05 | 99.73 | 99.71 | 0.02 | 0.00 | 0.27 |
Ward No. 06 | 98.88 | 98.83 | 0.05 | 0.00 | 1.12 |
Ward No. 07 | 99.78 | 99.78 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.22 |
Ward No. 08 | 99.33 | 99.29 | 0.04 | 0.00 | 0.67 |
Ward No. 09 | 99.24 | 99.16 | 0.00 | 0.08 | 0.76 |
Pourashava (Total) | 99.53 | 99.49 | 0.04 | 0.01 | 0.47 |
In Naogaon Pourashava, 99.53% of households have electricity access. With almost all connected to the National Grid (99.49%). Solar and other alternative sources are minimal, collectively accounting for 0.05%. Ward No. 06 has the highest percentage of households without electricity at 1.12%. Overall, Naogaon Pourashava shows strong reliance on the National Grid.