Upazilas in Naogaon District

Naogaon district, located in the Rajshahi division, has 11 upazilas (sub-districts). Below is a full list of upazilas (also known as Thana) in Naogaon along with some basic geographical information presented in card and chart.

List of Upazilas in Naogaon District and Basic Information

Population Rankings of Naogaon Upazilas

This chart shows the population rankings of all upazilas in Naogaon district, as per 2011 census. The data is arranged in ascending to descending order, with the most populous upazila on the left and the least populous upazila on the right.

Area Rankings of Naogaon Upazilas

This chart displays the area rankings of the upazilas in Naogaon district. The upazilas are sorted based on their area size in ascending to descending order. Among the list, the Niamatpur upazila is the largest upazila of Naogaon district with an area of 449.10 square kilometers. On the other hand, the smallest upazila of the district is Badalgachhi, which is 213.98 square kilometers.

Upazilas Photo Gallery

Photo: Rumon Anam

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